The State Agricultural Intervention Fund (SZIF/Fund) is an accredited paying agency, which intermediates financial support from the European Union and national sources. Fund was established by Act No 256/2000 Sb., as amended; it is a legal person with its registered office in Prague and falls under scope of competence of the Ministry of Agriculture.
EU subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy are provided by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and under the Common Fisheries Policy from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
The 2007 launch of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) was a major challenge and opportunity for the agricultural sector. EAFRD-funded Rural Development Programme (RDP) replaced The Horizontal Rural Development Plan (HRDP) and Operational Programme Rural Development and Multifunctional Agriculture. There is also a framework of “Common Market Organisation” measures aimed at minimising market fluctuations and supporting farmers in their agricultural business.
The Common Agricultural Policy applies three principles in the EU – a common market for agricultural products at common prices, an advantage for EU production at the expense of external competition, and financial solidarity - funding from a common fund to which everyone contributes. The mainstay of the financial support provided is direct payments paid on a simplified basis, i.e. per hectare of cultivated area.
CAP Strategic Plan 2023–2027
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